Tuesday, February 28, 2012
5:35 AM
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Easy Ways To Fat Not Accumulate in the Body
Overweight and obesity can increase the variety of diseases, such as type 2 diabetes, hypertension, and heart disease.Only by simple changes in daily routine, your metabolism will be able to run properly, so the fat does not accumulate. About how to optimize your metabolism so that fat does not accumulate? Here are 9 ways to optimize your metabolism so that fat does not accumulate as quoted from Fitbie, Monday (2/20/2012),
among others:
1. Eating eggs for breakfast A study in Nutrition Research found that people who ate eggs for breakfast, have fewer total daily calories.
2. Many stand Increase the standing in their daily activities, such as stand up every time I read or take a phone call at work to optimize metabolism. Standing a half times more calories burned than sitting.
3. Do not eat in front of the TV According to a study conducted by researchers from the University of Massachusetts, people who eat in front of the TV mostly take 300 calories more.
4. Weighing once a week Weighing once a week is an attempt to control weight. Based on a study published in the American College of Sports Medicine Health & Fitness Journal, dieters may succeed due to weighing once a week.
5. Eating an apple Preferably at lunch, eating an apple, but not apple juice. Chewing triggers satiety, so maybe it will consume nearly 15 percent more calories a bit. It is based on notes taken from the journal Appetite.
6. Increase the consumption of protein and reduce carbohydrates "Consuming 55 grams of whey protein per day for 23 weeks can reduce 4 kg of body weight than if they get the calories from carbohydrates," said USDA scientists.
7. Own homework "People who live without a maid or often do their own homework, like cleaning the house, thus has a higher physical activity," said the researchers from Indiana University.
8. Add beans to soup Stir half a cup of beans into a pot of soup, it was a tactic to fight the flab 6 grams more.
9. Drink skim milk "By drinking 2 1/2 cup skim milk during the day equivalent to the juice is low in calories and can reduce calorie consumption by 8.5 percent," say researchers from Australia.
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