Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Petai Vegetables from Indonesia


   Petai, this plant grows in many tropical countries specially in Indonesia. vegetables is famous for its characteristic odor when we eat it. Indonesian many people like to eat a petai as fresh vegetables. it turns out these vegetables contain many nutrients that may be the source of a lot of people do not know. Next let us see what are the benefits of petai :

Important source of nutrition
   Research shows that a petai contains natural sugars that can generate instant energy for those who eat it, protein content in petai four times more than the apple.

Overcome Anemia 
  The content of iron is very high in vegetables beneficial to reduce anemia or lack of blood. for patients with anemia by eating a petai might be able to reduce its anemia.

Reduce Depression and Stress
   When you experience stress, it's a sign you are deficient in tryptophan. Tryptophan is an essential amino acid when consumed, it will be converted to serotonin that can affect the nervous system work and work to improve the mood.

Nourish the Eyes and Increase the Concentration
   These vegetables contain vitamin A which is quite high, which is 200 IU per 100 mg. As in the know Vitamin A is useful for keeping the cornea. Potassium in these veggies also can improve concentration and ability of the brain so it is good to help those with difficulties in learning.

Reduceing High Bloods Pressure and Prevent Stroke
   A high content of potassium, but low in salt in vegetables is able to stabilize the heartbeat. The New England Journal of Medicine released the results of research that says that eating vegetables on a regular basis can reduce the risk of death from stroke up to 40 percent.

Improving Digestion  
   Fiber is also contained in many vegetables. useful fibers facilitate digestion. For those of you who often suffer from digestive disorders like constipation consume these vegetables help reduce your suffering. These vegetables also have a natural antacid effect in the body, if you want to feel nausea and vomiting from too much eating, these vegetables can reduce the pain.