Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Color of urine may predict health

. Apparently the color of urine we made ​​a tool to predict the bias in our healthcondition at the time, this bias also made ​​reference to how the actions we takeafter
Know your urine color and health prediction:
1.  Yelloow
"Healthy urine is pale yellow or dark yellow" says consultant urologist Tim Terry. It depends on level hydration, so that if your urine remains in the yellow corridor you breathe bias.
2.  Green
"Several antiseptic and anesthetic drugs provide color green tinge in the urine" is due to methylene blue, a dye that sometimes need to fight for our kidneys. But if your urine is green don’t too worried.
3.  Orange
. "This is a sign of liver dysfunction." if the color of your urine is usually accompanied by white-colored stools, so this bias because of obstructive jaundice (bile flow resistance caused by mechanical obstruction leads to cholestasis) So take immediate action when your urine is orange
4.  Brown
Brown urine showed no kidney problems, this bias becomes a sign of serious kidney disease and even fistula. This situation is usually due to leakage of the intestine into your bladder. Immediately run to your doctor for this case.

5.  Red
This is really bad. Red means there is blood in your urine, can mean the bleeding or cancer. In people aged over 40 years hipotesis first is bladder cancer. Immediately contact a doctor and do a quick detection.