Thursday, January 26, 2012

Black Tea Good for Your Health

Happy news for you who always drank tea in the morning. Recent findings showed drinking black tea can lower blood pressure significantly.

Scientists from the University of Western Australia and Unilever found drinking three cups of tea per day could lower systolic and diastolic blood pressure. The research was conducted on black tea alone, the effects of drinking tea mixed with milk is unknown.

Measurement of blood pressure is divided in two. The first is the systolic that measures blood pressure when the heart beats, or work pushing blood throughout the body. The second is the diastolic pressure which measures the amount of the beat of it, when the heart is in a resting position.

"It's been proven that the tea is good for your heart health, but new findings suggest another benefit of the relationship between tea and the major risk factors for heart disease," said study leader, Professor Jonathan Hodgson.

Researchers conducted a small study involving 95 Australian participants aged 35-75 years who were recruited to take between three cups of black tea or a placebo with the same flavor and contains caffeine.

After six months, researchers found participants who drank black tea had systolic and diastolic blood pressures are lower by about 2-3 mmHg, compared with the placebo group. Decrease in blood pressure of 2-3 mmHg were considered to reduce the 10 percent risk of hypertension and heart disease.

Tea is the world's second most popular beverage after water. Tea contains folifenol, an antioxidant shown to stop cancer cell growth. Another study from Harvard University found that drinking tea can increase the body's immune function.

Do You Know How to Wear a Bra Correctly?

Selection of the right bra size not only support and maintain the shape, size and texture of breast beauty, but also affects the health of your body.

According to a survey, two thirds of women had experienced five times the change in bra size over their lifetime, as a form of weight changes up and down.

This is why the importance for women to always measure the bust size and cup size when buying a bra. Even more so now, many women buy bras just because the model and color only.

Niken Lucia, Marketing Manager Sorella, who met at a press conference Sorella 'Right Support' (7 / 1) explains that women should never be embarrassed or uncomfortable when measuring bra size to get a bra that fits. Even the women also do not hesitate if you have to try it out first.

"Many women, who buy a bra with one size. While wearing the same brand but different model, it could be a different size. Always check the size of the bra to try it when going to buy it," said Lucia.

Not just a bra size less attention, how to wear a bra properly is often overlooked by women. How to use the wrong bra turned out to affect the shape of the breast itself. That is important, women should know how to use a bra properly.

"Installing a good bra is the hunched body and put the breast into the bra cup, then set the hook and rope. When finished, lift both arms up and check whether both breasts you've entered into with the perfect cup. If not installed properly, can so the selection of bra you're wrong, and the risk of irritation, "said Lucia.

The way the course can be applied to the breasts of any size, provided always use a bra that fit the size of your breasts. Do not loose because it can be saggy breasts, and nor too tight, because it can be irritating.

After learning how to use the correct bra, Lucia confirmed that the way the bra is also greatly affect leaching. And most importantly for women, to wash their own underwear, including bras, so as not to lose its shape.

"Soak the bra into soapy water (if possible, use liquid detergent) a little while. After that, the pat and immediately hung with clothes hangers. Remember do in squeeze and bend, as it will change its shape," he added.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Love Brought Health to us

Falling in love lower risk of alcohol addiction
  You are still singles, might choose to enjoy the night of the week by drinking wine or other alcoholic beverages. However, based on research, it is known that a person who is in a relationship, less likely to consume alcohol.
The study states:
 # Four percent of people who have a love affair for two or four years, is still addicted to alcohol,
Three percent of people who have a love affair for over five years, is still addicted to alcohol,
 # 12 percent of people who are not in a love affair at the age of 30, addicted to alcohol,
#  13.5 percent of people who are not in a love affair for two years, is really experiencing severe alcohol             addiction.

Falling in love makes us stay young
We all know that falling in love and sex are two different things naturally. But falling in love is usually very influential on our aging process. Research shows, fall in love makes us stay young. Based on research conducted at the Royal Edinburgh Hospital in Scotland, showed that women who have sex four or five times during the week, will look 10 times younger than actual age.

Consultant neuropsychologist Dr. David Weeks said the couple who love each other, not only seem to have a better body shape, but also affects the physical and emotional condition. So, maybe next time we all would prefer baby oil as an anti aging cream.

 Love is good for women, bad for the guy?
Based on research conducted Classic Longitudinal Study of Ageing, showed that women who are in a love affair, will have the qualities that are higher than usual, but not the same as those that occur on their husbands or partners, who in fact have qualities that lower than normal.

Although it seems it is more advantageous for women than men, but the people who love affair would be much happier than those people who are single.

Other studies provide results that 40 percent of married couples say that they are happy, and only 25 percent of people who say that they are happy singles.

Love improving our mental health
Love gives a number of health benefits for our body, including to improve mental health for women and men who are in a love affair. In New Zealand, a team from the University of Otago conducted a study on 1000 people. They found that people who have a love affair for over five years, will be less likely to experience depression or commit suicide than those who are single.
Other studies provide results that people who are married, have a lower level to experience depression and stress than those who are single.

Love makes us more frequently birthday
Falling in love will make us birthday more than once a year. But that does not mean we will actually birthday. Research shows that male mortality singles aged 30 to 59 years, two and a half times higher than non-singles men!
The death rate of women singles are also 23 percent higher than married women. The researchers say, is because the people who singles have far worse health, lower income, and socially isolated. Support from others will help us maintain health.

Love cures heart disease
Probably just a coincidence, that the love depicted with heart symbol. Based on research conducted by researchers at the University of Rochester in New York, gives results that unhappy love affair which will provide resilience heart three times better. Research proves that a good marriage, will provide benefits for heart health, such as stopping smoking, maintaining weight, and minimize the risk of high blood pressure.

Another study conducted at the University of North Carolina, and at the Human Communication Research. They both discover that love can have a positive impact on cholesterol.

Keep the Liver from Hepatitis

The main function of the heart or the liver is to filter out the toxins that exist in the blood. In addition, there are about 500 other functions of the liver. If someone is suffering from hepatitis, which is an inflammation of the liver or liver, can destroy the person's overall health because the toxins remain deposited on the blood and destroy or disrupt the work of other organs. Another result is the liver blood flow declined so high blood pressure and rupture of blood vessels.

Destruction of the day or liver function may be caused by a person consumes alcohol to excess or ingested toxins that burden the work function of the liver and cause liver becomes damaged. However, in most cases, hepatitis caused by hepatitis virus that is transmitted.

There are 5 types of viral hepatitis are named in alphabetical order. The fifth virus is hepatitis A (VHA), hepatitis B virus (HBV), hepatitis C virus (HCV), hepatitis D virus (VHD) and viral hepatitis E (VHE). Viruses are constantly evolving and there are even expected to at least three more viruses that can cause hepatitis.

Symptoms of Hepatitis
Some common symptoms of hepatitis is soreness or pain in the right abdomen, weakness, nausea, fever and diarrhea. In some cases also found to be flu-like symptoms and jaundice which marked the skin and eyes look yellow. However, symptoms of hepatitis are not always visible, especially in most cases that afflicts children.

The virus can move from one patient to healthy people. If a person's immune system is weakened, the virus will infect a healthy person's body. Although actually, the virus can be cleaned by human antibodies themselves if their immune system better.

Hepatitis A
Hepatitis A virus commonly found in feces of patients. Viruses can live on water or ice cubes. The way the spread of this virus is due to drinking contaminated water VHA. It could also be due to eating foods that are not cooked properly so that the virus remains alive in the food or because the person preparing the food are not used to wash hands properly first, but may be at hand there is a virus of hepatitis A. Not washing hands after using the toilet also causes the virus exist in human feces is finally moving.

Hepatitis B
Transmission of hepatitis B virus (HBV) usually through blood or body fluids such as saliva, vaginal fluids, or semen entering the blood stream of healthy people. This is because hepatitis B present in the blood and body fluids. Blood transfusion, blood on the razor, dental care, nail scissors, syringes or needles used to make tattoos can move a small amount of blood infected with hepatitis virus. Even dried blood stains can infect others during the first weeks of the stick on an object. Another way the spread of this virus is carried away from the very womb of a mother who is infected and because of sex.

Hepatitis C
 This  hepatitis C is usually transmitted in a manner that is almost the same as the transmission of hepatitis B, but in most people is because of a syringe.

 Hepatitis Handle
Initial treatment should be immediately done so that patients can be cured, because the slower handled, the virus will further damage the liver and even cancer. But, sometimes because they do not show obvious symptoms, most people do not realize that the body was silent viral hepatitis and liver already has become badly damaged.

Vaccinations can be given to someone to get antibodies from viral hepatitis A (VHA) and hepatitis B virus (HBV). However, for hepatitis C there is no vaccination to prevent it. While a person has not indicated this virus but the vaccine can prevent liver damage due to viral hepatitis symptoms may not begin until many years later. Particular vaccine should be given to children because their immune systems are weaker to clear hepatitis virus than adults.

If the condition of the liver was severely damaged, the choice is to perform liver transplants. However, it will be difficult because the donor heart that there are fewer than a waiting list of patients who need liver.

Hepatitis patients should eat a nutritious diet and adequate rest so that the body is able to survive the virus and prevent the virus the more that will worsen the health of sufferers.

Nutrition and good rest must also be met for all, because it could have without our knowledge, the virus infects and attacks the liver or liver. But, with a strong immune, the body will be able to handle this dangerous virus hepatitis.

How do Slimming

   There are many ways to lose weight, ranging from the various methods of diet, exercise, liposuction surgery, acupuncture, slimming medicine to drink. Which is safe and effective?

Referring to the UN health agency, WHO, noted that a good weight loss can not be done instantly, but it is a long-term therapy. All it takes to lose weight not just reduce the size of the meal, but also needed guidance from a nutritionist before making dietary changes, along with physical activity and behavioral therapy.

To find out how slimming where a healthy, safe, and effective, please read the following descriptions to complete.

How to remove the fat that is now the trend is liposuction surgery and tummy-tuck. This operation was chosen because the weight can be decreased drastically without the need to tired to exercise and diet, it is proved by the testimony of a famous artist. But why do so even though the fat is removed, his body is still too stretchy?

Basically, liposuction is surgery to remove fat under the skin, and made ​​to achieve harmony of body, not to lose weight. While tummy-tuck is the removal of excess fatty tissue and overlying skin to form a more aesthetically pleasing body. Fat should not be reduced any more than 3-5 kg once operations

According to nutrition specialist, dr.Johanes Chandrawinata, MND, SpGK, both types of operations are usually performed on patients who have a doctor's body sagged after her body weight decreased. So, to lose weight first before surgery, rather than surgery to lose weight because after 3 months the body will be fat again.

Gastric binding & gastric by-pass
This action is selected if any slimming method did not work. Gastric binding is the installation tool "binder stomach" which causes a smaller stomach pouch so that we will not eat too much because your body feel full faster. Through this act of weight loss can be reduced by 35-60 percent in 12 months.

Unlike the binding temporary gastric, gastric by-pass is permanent, the physician will make a 'road' liaison between the base of the stomach to the small intestine so that food through the stomach but not directly into the small intestine. With gastric bypass, weight loss can be reduced to 80 percent. To perform these two types of action, patients should be aged over 35 years.

Until now acupuncture method can not be scientifically proven to lose weight. Generally, the patients had stopped in the middle of the road because it did not get the ideal weight is expected.

Drugs and supplements slimming
Before the trust by the lure of advertising, you should first carefully the content of drugs and supplements. Oversight bodies the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) even banned the consumption of slimming supplements containing ephedrine content active E.sinica or because it has side effects of psychiatric symptoms, interfere with the digestive tract and makes the heart pounding.

Although states could reduce levels of fat, not a slimming drug that is only capable of reducing the body weight of 1.2 kg for 6-14 weeks, equivalent to a low-calorie diet for 1250/day within a half weeks

Popular diets
Popular diets often referred to as "Fad Diets", has a characteristic, among others; promising rapid weight loss, can cure diseases, advocating the use of supplements, eating on time, limit or prohibit certain foods and only for a period of view.

Which can be classified into fad diets such as low-carb diet, food combining, based on blood type diet, mayo clinic diet. Because the number of prohibitions to eat certain foods, usually the body's nutritional needs are not met due to lack of vitamins, iron, and fiber.

In terms of nutrition, all meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner) are encouraged to eat foods that vary in the amount of balance, because the body needs various nutrients as well.

Lose weight in a healthy
Although no definitive answer which one is most appropriate diet to lose weight, but dr. John recommends a dietary pattern that conducted by the National Weight Control Registry (NWCR) in the U.S.. NWCR is a data set of people (there are 4000 people) who have lost weight over 13 kg and persisted for more than 5 years.

Characteristic diet is low in fat (24 percent of calorie intake), intake of high carbohydrate, low calorie (1300-1500 kcal / day). Because we do not know how many calories are contained in food, dr.Johanes suggested to reduce the intake of smaller than normal portions.

Described by dr.Johanes, the majority of members enrolled in the NWCR to eat breakfast regularly, monitor their own weight and exercising regularly. With low-fat diet low in calories such as these have proven to reduce body weight over 13 kg and can be maintained for more than 5 years.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Why We Need Fresh Water in every day?


   We know that our body composition contains 50-70% water. Can we imagine, if only a slight loss of water in the body will have an impact on the organ or body. Because, we must keep the water intake into the body. Actually, in a state of not moving too much, people will lose enough water so that each day we will lose water. Especially for us who live in the tropics, should be more attentive to the condition of fluids in the body.
Dr. James M. Rippe cardiologist and director of training at Massachusetts Medical School, in a site on the Internet said, losing only 4% of the liquid will result in a reduction of our performance by 22%. If fluid losses of more than 7%, the body will feel weak, lethargic, and dizziness. Therefore, it is recommended to drink with, although not yet enough to feel thirsty.
Water serves to assist the formation of chemicals that the body needs. Water can also clean the passage of food from dirt leftovers. Without enough water, the kidneys will be hard working and will produce concentrated urine color. This can lead to urinary tract infections and bladder stones. Moreover, it also can help to reduce weight because water is an important part in the process of metabolism (burning calories) in the body.
In this case, water acts as fuel to drive the chemical reactions of metabolism. So, you can imagine, if we drink less water, less than the maximum metabolic processes take place. So, water is very suitable for us who are dieting, right? If you want to try it, we just drink one or two glasses of warm water before eating. Because in this way, our appetite will go down so they can control food.
However, do not ever try to replace food with water, because our body still needs carbohydrates, vitamins, protein, fiber, and others. All that does not exist in the water. Ok? There are also ways that other water diet, avoiding drinks other than water. Tea, coffee, or other unavoidable and also drink water without ice. If you add ice, this could make our diet programs fail.
Water is better than any drink, whether low-calorie or other energy drinks. Especially for us who are dieting, white water better than any beverage.

Normally, in a single day, we should drink 8-12 glasses. But for those who are sick should drink at least 12 glasses per day to help the recovery process. If you have a schedule is very busy  and also exercising every day, we should drink up to 15 glasses a day. Possible to imagine the amount was so heavy, because the average person will drink when it feels thirsty. Although initially the weight, when it's used, it will feel lighter. Brought chill out, do not you make our body's health. If we do not want to hurt, it must be willing to run it.
keep in mind, do not ever replace water with tea, coffee, cola, and others. Although both water content and function for the body will not be comparable to water. Therefore, the water provides health benefits that can not be provided by other drinks, even fruit juice full of vitamins once. Although in terms of essential nutrients, fruit juice does not cleanse the body.

Blackberry Fruit Benefits

   Blackberry fruit is very much its existence , especially in eastern North America and on the Pacific coast of the archipelago English and western Europe. Who raced in addition to taste, this fruit also contains many nutrients that provide some helth benefits. Blackberry also has the ability to absorb oxygen radicals ( ORAC ) against perosokil radical, superoxide, hydrogen peroxside, hydroxyl radical. Here are some health benefits in the lay out by some experts, about the benefits of blackberries.
1.  Strengthen the immune system, blackberries are rich in vitamin c, two times more than blueberries. According to nutrition experts, vitamin c has important for our immune system and for heart health, as well as help lower blood pressure. Vitamin c also helps increase the absorption of iron from other foods in the meals at the same time, thereby lessening the risk of anemia.
2.  Digestive Health, blackberries are loaded with fiber than any other fruit. Fiber is very important for the intestine to function properly and help maintain a health weight. In addition to also improve health by helping to lower cholesterol.
3.  Heal wounds, blackberries also was rich in tannin, which serves to heal the wounds. According to nutrition expert from London by rubbing berries on the injured skin will tighten the tissue. So helpful in narrowing the blood vessels and reduce bleeding.
4.  Help fight cancer cells, or a bunch of blackberries contain anthocyanin pigments in plants that have antioxidant properties. Some anthocyanins may inhibit the growth of tumor cells. But it also contains chemical compounds blackberries C3G , or in the know as flavonoids that are proven effective against lug cancer.
5.  Protect the eyes, blackberries contain lutein which serve to protect the eyes of rational pigment formation, which is the area apling sensitive to light and is located behind the retina. Lutein helps to prevent eye damage caused by ultraviolet radiation.
6.  Bone formation, a handful of blackerries giving you close to half the recommended daily intake of manganese. Such as manganese in the know is the best source of minerals. Manganese helps from the connective tissue of the body, essential for building strong bone structure.
7.  Growth blackberries cell containing folate or commonly know as vitamin B9 or folic acid, which plays an important role in cell division and growth. For pregnant women are advised to consume this fruit to reduce the risk of birth defects.