Saturday, March 3, 2012

Please do not Smoke....

Cigarette smoking is a lifestyle that is popular in many countries especially in developing countries. Tobacco in cigarettes has led many to menggemarinya. However, behind the pleasure of a cigarette there are many disadvantages. Why smoking is harmful to health? What are the negative effects of smoking?

Smoking has become a small object of the most popular. Smoking has become a lifestyle for many men and women, even including children and adolescents. Smoking habit has resulted in many diseases of respiratory disorders and cancer. Although aware of the dangers of smoking, people around the world still tens of billions of cigarettes smoked per day.
The number of smokers in developing countries far more than the number of smokers in developed countries. A very alarming figure considering the harmful effects of smoking will be felt in the long run.

Any substance contained in a cigarette? Nicotine is the main substance found in cigarettes. However, more than 700 types of chemical additives may be used by tobacco companies to add to the enjoyment of smoking. Some materials are so toxic that a few major cigarette manufacturers will usually have a high standard to dispose of toxic materials that are very dangerous.
In addition, cigarette smoke contains 4000 chemicals, including arsenic, acetone, butane, carbon monoxide, and cyanide. Cigarette smoke inhaled by smokers and passive smokers will mixed 43 substances known to cause cancer. That's why smokers smoke can have a negative impact is more terrible if they are inhaled cigarette smoke.

What are the harmful effects of a lifestyle that is harmful to health? What are the diseases caused by smoking? Here are some of diseases and adverse effects caused by smoking:

Heart Disease
Smoking is also one major cause of heart attacks. A smoker's death from heart disease more than dying from lung cancer. Even low tar or low nicotine will not reduce the risk of heart disease. Because some of the cigarettes that use a filter increases the amount of carbon monoxide is inhaled, which makes cigarettes are even worse for the heart than cigarettes that do not use filters.

Nicotine contained in cigarettes can make your heart beat faster and increases your body's need for oxygen. Cigarette smoke also contains carbon monoxide which is poisonous. This toxic substance goes into the blood stream and actually impede the flow of oxygen to the heart and to other vital organs. Nicotine can narrow blood vessels so that more oxygen flow to slow again. That's why smokers have an increased risk of heart disease is very high.

Lung Cancer
Of tobacco smoke contains many cancer-causing chemicals. Inhaled smoke contains many chemicals that can damage the lungs. These substances can trigger cancer, particularly in the lungs. Lung cancer is the most common cancer caused by smoking. The spread of lung cancer occurs in the body quietly until a higher stage. In many cases, lung cancer kills quickly.

Heavy smokers who have for years will have emphysema. Emphysema is a disease that will gradually make the lungs lose their elasticity. If the lungs lose elasticity, it will be difficult to remove dirty air. The signs are already having trouble breathing in the morning and evening. Then easily out of breath. Another sign is often experienced severe flu, accompanied by a severe cough, and possibly with chronic bronchitis. Cough often do not stop and become chronic.

Old Faster
The results of the smokers showed that smokers face men and women are more wrinkles than those who do not smoke. The aging process increases with the habits and the number of cigarettes smoked. The study showed that heavy smokers have wrinkles on the skin is almost five times higher than nonsmokers. Even the aging process has been started for adolescents who smoke such as wrinkles, yellow teeth and bad breath.

Body damage
The negative impact of smoking not only dangerous to the lungs, heart, and respiratory tract. Smoking habits according to the study can damage body tissues. Dozens of diseases related to tobacco use even include pneumonia (pneumonia), gum disease, leukemia, cataracts, kidney cancer, cervical cancer, and pain in the pancreas. The reason for the toxicity of cigarette smoke everywhere spread through the bloodstream. Smoking can cause disease in nearly every organ of the body.

Why you must stop smoking?
Are you aware of the dangers of smoking? Effects of smoking on health is really detrimental. According to statistics, around the world, the number of smokers who die from diseases caused by smoking amount to nearly three times the number of people who die from alcohol and drugs. Even the number of smokers who die from the disease amounted to six times higher than in a car accident. In addition, smokers aged 13 to 14 years are usually shorter than nonsmokers.

After reading these facts, if you are going to be like that even though smokers have read so many horrible facts in relation to smoking and then decided to stop reading the article? Or You dare to say no to cigarettes?

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Calculate Calories Your Body Needs

One way to lose weight properly is to regulate the diet. How, know your calorie needs per day. This way your body weight will be maintained by more stable so you will not experience fatigue, dizziness or a drop weight quickly and also rise rapidly. Come, count your calorie needs and set the menu to eat right.

What is a Calorie?

Calories are units of energy that will be burned by the body. A large number of calories needed can vary per person. This is because the demand for different energy-influenced body weight, sex, age and physical activity.

If we eat foods with more calories than are needed by our body weight will cause us to grow even potentially become obese. For example, fat contains 9 calories per gram, compared to 4 calories in one gram of protein or a gram of carbohydrate.

So we put a lot more calories when we eat fat. Another factor is the way the human body uses energy supplied by carbohydrates, protein, and fat. At first, the body burns carbohydrates and protein, then fat. Unused fat calories are converted into body fat. So reducing fat diet is an important way to reduce weight.

Calculate Needs

The first calculation is done is to calculate the basal metabolic rate (AMB). The formula is:

                       AMB = 0.9 kcal x weight (in kg) x 24 hours  
 To calculate the daily energy needs, then figure AMB was then multiplied by the variable of physical activity you do. Activity and the variables are as follows:

 * Light weight = 1.55 
 * Medium = 1.70 
 * Weight = 2.00
Reduce caloric needs about 500 kcal to lose weight around 0.5 kg per week.

Examples of Counting Calories
As an employee with mild activity (which most of the time spent sitting at the computer), a weight is 60 kg. What is the daily energy requirement of A?
 AMP = 0.9 kcal x 60 kg x 24 hours = 1296

Daily energy needs (mild category) = 1.55 x 1296 = 2008.8 kcal

What does the number of calories?
If A wants to lose weight, it can reduce about 500 kcal of food intake and drink every day. Means the number of calories you should eat about 1500 kcal. That amount can make a reduced weight of 0.5 kg / week.

Options Menu Foods
After knowing the number of calories you should eat, the next step is to regulate the diet so that the number of calories consumed is not excessive with the result that would derail your diet.

Remember, in order to eat food that meets nutritional remain perfectly healthy 4 5. Food consists of carbohydrates, protein, protein, vegetables, fruit and milk. So you do not suffer because of the diet, the fruit can be eaten between breakfast and lunch and between lunch and dinner as a snack.

The pattern of food for breakfast, lunch and dinner for as many as 1500 kcal caloric needs are:

                 Mealtime                                                   Explanation

Breakfast                                                          Carbohydrates + Protein + Milk
Morning snacks                                                 Fruits
Lunch                                                                Carbohydrates + Protein + Vegetables
Eat a light evening                                              Fruits
Dinner                                                               Carbohydrates + Protein + Vegetables

Examples of foods that can be a model, among others:

1. Carbohydrate
    - * ½ cup (100 grams) of rice. It would be better if you choose brown rice are rich in fiber and help the body more resistant to the hungry
    - * 1 sheet (28 g) of bread
    - * ½ cup (80 grams) of noodles
    - * ½ cup (80 grams) pasta
    - * 1 piece (175 g) potatoes
2. Protein
    -* 100 grams of beef or chicken
    -* 100 grams of fish or seafood
    -* 150 grams of tofu or tempe  ( Indonesian food " made from soy " )
    -* 1 egg  
3. Milk and other dairy
    -* 250 ml milk, you should choose low-fat milk
    -* 125 ml yogurt
    -* 1 slice of cheese
4. Fruits
5. Vegetables

If your calorie needs greater than 1500 kcal, then it can add a portion of protein or vegetable. If you want to add a portion of carbohydrates in your diet, it can be added at breakfast or lunch.

In addition, all packaged foods always include the number of calories. Always check that you do not enter more calories than your body needs.

Note Method of Food ProcessingFood processing can increase the overall amount of food calories. For example, 1 tablespoon cooking oil will add 126 kcal, 1 tablespoon of butter adds 80 kcal, 1 teaspoon of sugar adds 32 kcal.
The recommended processing technique is to be boiled, steamed, or baked. Foods that uses coconut milk should not be consumed because it can increase the amount of calories. If possible, you can replace the coconut milk with low fat milk.
Containing coconut or fried foods should not be consumed too frequently or only occasionally better.

By counting the calories you need and type of food, then you can enjoy your favorite foods without fear of being fat and sick. Try to always pay attention to how many calories you need and choose the right foods. If we continue to include more calories than your body can burn, it will lead to obesity or cause fat.


Easy Ways To Fat Not Accumulate in the Body

Overweight and obesity can increase the variety of diseases, such as type 2 diabetes, hypertension, and heart disease.Only by simple changes in daily routine, your metabolism will be able to run properly, so the fat does not accumulate. About how to optimize your metabolism so that fat does not accumulate? Here are 9 ways to optimize your metabolism so that fat does not accumulate as quoted from Fitbie, Monday (2/20/2012),
 among others:

 1. Eating eggs for breakfast A study in Nutrition Research found that people who ate eggs for breakfast, have fewer total daily calories.

2. Many stand Increase the standing in their daily activities, such as stand up every time I read or take a phone call at work to optimize metabolism. Standing a half times more calories burned than sitting.

3. Do not eat in front of the TV According to a study conducted by researchers from the University of Massachusetts, people who eat in front of the TV mostly take 300 calories more.

4. Weighing once a week Weighing once a week is an attempt to control weight. Based on a study published in the American College of Sports Medicine Health & Fitness Journal, dieters may succeed due to weighing once a week.

5. Eating an apple Preferably at lunch, eating an apple, but not apple juice. Chewing triggers satiety, so maybe it will consume nearly 15 percent more calories a bit. It is based on notes taken from the journal Appetite.

6. Increase the consumption of protein and reduce carbohydrates "Consuming 55 grams of whey protein per day for 23 weeks can reduce 4 kg of body weight than if they get the calories from carbohydrates," said USDA scientists.

7. Own homework "People who live without a maid or often do their own homework, like cleaning the house, thus has a higher physical activity," said the researchers from Indiana University.

8. Add beans to soup Stir half a cup of beans into a pot of soup, it was a tactic to fight the flab 6 grams more.

9. Drink skim milk "By drinking 2 1/2 cup skim milk during the day equivalent to the juice is low in calories and can reduce calorie consumption by 8.5 percent," say researchers from Australia.

Foods That Help Lower Fat While We Sleep

Who says you can not sleep while burning fat? When you eat certain foods before bed, then the nutrient content can help the body to burn fat while sleeping. What food?Foods that can help burn fat while sleeping usually contain low-calorie but very nutritious. Not only is consumed before bed, fat burning foods can also be consumed throughout the day to get more benefits.Here are some foods that can help burn fat while sleeping, as reported by Livestrong, Monday (2/27/2012):1. Orange  
Oranges contain fiber and vitamin C. Fat-burning Vitamin C can stimulate the body's ability to burn fat found in the amino acid carnitine. Vitamin C also plays a role in the ability to process body fat, thinning of the fat by speeding up the process and then dispose of the body.Not only citrus fruit, citrus fruits that contain some can also help you burn fat while sleeping, such as guava, lemon, tangerine, papaya and tomato.2. Vegetables  
Vegetables provide vegetable proteins, which take longer to be digested by the body so it can burn more calories. Eating a bowl of soup or salad for dinner can help you burn calories during the hours of sleep a night. Legumes such as lentils, peas, beans can also burn more calories.
3. Whole wheat
 Whole wheat contains fat burning nutrients to keep insulin levels low, according to the New York Daily News. Whole wheat provides an excellent source of complex carbohydrates and fiber, which is very useful in stimulating the metabolism. Not only whole grains, brown rice and barley are also effective for burning fat while you're sleeping.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

How to Controlling Cholesterol

Cholesterol in the body can cause various diseases. High cholesterol is not only experienced by obese people, but people are skinny does not mean lower cholesterol. It also can happen to people who are still young. All walks of life, must try to live a healthy lifestyle in order to keep the cholesterol in the blood remained normal.CholesterolThere is fat in the body of bad cholesterol is called LDL (Low Density Lipoprotein) in which the fat can be attached to the blood vessels. While the good cholesterol known as HDL (High Density Lipoprotein) is to dissolve the fat content of LDL in the body. Normal cholesterol in the body is 160-200 mg, the content of LDL accumulation should be prevented in order to remain in the normal state. Here are some tips that you can control the cholesterol in the blood.

Controlling Cholesterol TipsHere are some tips you can do to control your cholesterol:


Consumption of foods low in fat and cholesterol. For example, by consuming milk without the fat and reducing meat consumption. Choose foods with unsaturated fat than saturated fat content. The oil used to fry it repeatedly can increase cholesterol levels, then you'll want to reduce the consumption of fried foods.

Consumption of fiber
More fibrous foods such as wheat, beans, vegetables and fruits. These foods can absorb cholesterol in the blood and remove it from the body.

Consumption of antioxidants
Many antioxidants found in fruits such as oranges, strawberries, papaya, carrots, or squash. Eating garlic regularly can lower cholesterol levels.

Avoid alcohol and smoking
With smoke or consume alcohol, it would be easy to accumulate cholesterol in the bloodstream.

Exercise regularly according to age and ability. Keep your body weight remains ideal.

Healthy foods, be careful, dangerous or abstinence?As mentioned above, food is an important thing that can cause cholesterol. The following table you can make reference to what foods you should eat or reduced consumption.

 Table Total Cholesterol in Foods

Note: For the category of harmful and abstinence should not be consumed by people with high blood pressure problems or heart problems, because it can cause heart attacks, strokes and even death.

Identify Lung Disease

This vital organ is one of the vital organ of human life. Particular function in the human respiratory system. Served as a place of exchange of oxygen required humans and remove carbon dioxide which is a result of the rest of the breathing process that must be removed from the body, so the body's need for oxygen remain unfulfilled. The air is very important for humans, not menhirup oxygen for several minutes can cause death. That's an important part of the lung. Organ located below the ribs are indeed has a heavy duty, not to mention the increasingly polluted air we breathe as well as many germs floating around in the air. These all can cause various lung diseases
Symptoms such as coughing, shortness of breath, or pain in the chest area may indicate that there is something wrong with your lungs. With more quickly detect it, it will help keep the disease is no longer and worse. The following information on a variety of lung problems and their prevention and solution, may help to detect the health of your lungs.

Tuberculosis (TB)
* Cause: The disease tuberculosis is caused by the bacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The disease can be transmitted through saliva splashes when the patient coughs.
* Symptoms: Coughing up phlegm for more than three weeks. Can also issue a cough accompanied by blood. Patients will have a fever, especially in the afternoon or evening, sweating at night. Decreased appetite, resulting in a thin body.
* Prevention and solution: If there are friends, neighbors or family members who experience these symptoms, you should be advised to consult a doctor to determine if the cough is TB disease or not. Because sometimes a cough illness often considered trivial, but this disease can kill someone if not treated immediately and can be transmitted to others.
* Treatment: Treatment for tuberculosis when it is caught early are not too expensive and easy to cure because there are already drugs provided by the government. When required, patients with TB may also be quarantined in a special place so as not to transmit the disease.

This disease is actually a disease that has been conquered, but later returned to attack. One is due to tuberculosis are not spending their medication. Drugs must be taken regularly for 6 to 9 months to cure this disease. Not spend the drug can cause the patient can not recover and lead a drug no longer able to fight germs because germs become resistant.


* Cause: The cause of asthma is a temporary narrowing of the respiratory tract that can cause sufferers to feel shortness of breath. Vessel constriction occurs in the throat. Heredity plays an important role in this disease, if there are parents or grandparents who suffer from this disease can be reduced to the children or grandchildren.

Allergic to something like dust, temperature changes, humidity, excessive exercise or emotional stress can cause allergies, so the membrane that lines the vessels to swell and excessive mucus so that vessels become narrow and people with breathing difficulties. Although an attack of shortness of breath may go away, but heavy attack if left untreated can cause death because the patient can not breathe.
* Symptoms: Shortness of breath sounds with wheezing (wheezing) Prevention and solution: Avoid things that can cause allergies in people, causing asthma attacks. For example, by cleaning the dust on a mattress, pillow or blanket. Avoid extreme temperatures and humidity, piaran animals or foods that may cause allergies.
* Treatment: In order to cope with an asthma attack is to use reliever medication (bronchodilator) inhaled way. Another way is to do a therapy that will teach you how to relax and catch your breath in the event of an asthma attack. When asthma is severe, it can use the drug daily until relief of asthma attacks can be controlled. Thus, it is advisable for the sufferer to always carry a reliever medication wherever he goes in order to be used in case of attack.


* Cause: bronchitis disease due to inflammation of the bronchi (the tubes that carry air into the lungs). The reason could be due to bacteria infection, bacteria or viruses. Other causes are cigarette smoke, dust, or air pollutants.
* Symptoms: Cough with expectoration of yellow fever or if caused by a bacterial infection. Meanwhile, when is chronic, productive cough and shortness of breath for a few months to several years.
* Prevention and solution: Increase endurance is one of the precautions that can be done. Meanwhile, to prevent chronic bronchitis is to stop smoking also avoid secondhand smoke to avoid exposure to secondhand smoke is very dangerous.
* Treatment: For treatment when it is caused by bacteria or germs can be overcome by taking antibiotics as directed by your doctor. If caused by a virus, commonly used drugs to relieve symptoms.


* Cause: Pneumonia is an infection that occurs in lung tissue (parenchyma) caused by bacteria, viruses or fungi. Generally caused by streptococcal bacteria (Streptococcus) and the bacteria Mycoplasma pneumoniae.
* Symptoms: Coughing up phlegm with a thick, yellow sputum, chest pain, and shortness of breath accompanied by high fever.
* Prevention and solution: Always maintain cleanliness and keep the immune system stay strong to prevent the bacteria can not penetrate the defenses of the body's health. Get used to wash hands, eat a nutritious diet or exercise regularly.
* Treatment: If you have been suffering from pneumonia, usually cured by taking antibiotics.


* Cause: Emphysema is caused due to loss of elasticity in the alveoli. Alveoli themselves are bubbles present in the lungs. In patients with emphysema, lung volume is greater than a healthy person because the carbon dioxide should be expelled from the lungs trapped inside. Cigarette smoke and the lack of the enzyme alpha-1-antitrypsin is the cause of loss of elasticity in the lung.
* Symptoms: Shortness of breath in a long time and can not be cured with commonly used drugs lozenges shortness of breath. And decreased appetite and weight loss are also common in patients with emphysema.
* Prevention and solutions: Avoiding smoking is the best way to prevent this disease. Quitting smoking is also very important.

Lung Cancer

* Cause: The cancer has become a deadly disease, even lung cancer is the first killer compared to other cancers. Tumor cells or cancer that grows in the lungs experienced by patients with lung cancer. Cancer can grow in this tissue and can spread to other parts.

The main cause is cigarette smoke contains many toxic substances and inhaled into the lungs and has been accumulating for decades causing mutations in airway cells and cause cancer cells.

Another cause is the radioactive radiation, toxic chemicals, stress or heredity.
* Symptoms: Coughing, chest pain, shortness of breath, coughing up blood, fatigue and weight loss. But as in other types of cancer, symptoms usually only emerge if the cancer has grown large or has spread.
* Prevention and solutions: Avoiding smoking and secondhand smoke are also lots of nutritious foods that contain lots of antioxidants to prevent cancer cells.
Because lung disease primarily caused by cigarette smoke, then you should immediately cease this practice and do not try to start for those who never smoked Belm. Avoid exposure to secondhand smoke for an even more dangerous than active smokers. Pulmonary care, avoid lung disease, and you can breathe more easily.

With the Exercise We are Going to Beautiful Skin

Sports are very much beneficial for our bodies. For a healthy, sporting a mandatory thing to do. Exercise is also often done to lose weight. No less important, exercise is also beneficial for beauty. The positive impact of sport will be visible on your skin. A healthy and fresh skin will certainly add beauty
Health and beauty skin is every woman's dream. A variety of beauty products used to make the skin healthy, beautiful and smooth. Some women get around the beauty of her skin to look younger by using makeup. In addition, a healthy diet also contributed to the beauty and skin health. There also are using traditional ways to beauty and skin care, such as using chocolate or strawberry. However, from a variety of ways and methods to beautify the skin, do not forget to exercise. What are the benefits of exercise for your skin?


Help remove toxins and free radicals from the body
Cigarette smoke, air pollution or chemicals in beauty products have a negative impact on our skin. Free radical damage because it can cause the skin so that wrinkles or spots. With exercise, there are toxins in our bodies can be removed. Good blood circulation causes the distribution of the maximum absorbed nutrients to the skin and helps remove toxins in the skin.

Stimulates collagen production
Collagen is a filler material to skin cells that make skin supple and toned. With age, collagen production decreases and decreases which results in the skin becomes dry and wrinkled. Collagen production can be stimulated by regular exercise because the skin cells will get a distribution of oxygen and good nutrition so that the skin will be glowing and supple.

Prevent acne
This is because exercise helps control the production of DHEA and DHT hormones that trigger acne. Another cause of acne is due to stress. We will produce stress hormones that trigger acne. However, studies show that most of the stress will be reduced if you exercise regularly so that acne does not appear.

Reduce cellulite
Cellulite is due to fibroblast interested fabric and form pockets of fat. Cellulite is generally in the buttocks, thighs, back or arms and make the skin resembles an orange. The presence of cellulite will interfere with your performance. When exercising, the body undergoes the process of formation of cellulite and stretch the muscles so that there can be eliminated.
After learning that exercise is also beneficial for beauty, there is no excuse for not exercising today is not it?

Friday, February 24, 2012

Have you ever heard the term DNA test? Perhaps you've heard it from the environment around you, in the movie, from celebrity gossip news or on television. DNA or ADN to date is the most accurate way to determine the identity and the identity of a person. What exactly is DNA? What is checked when performing a DNA test? How does this test can identify a person?
DNA stands for deoxyribonucleic acid. DNA is the genetic material contained in everyone's body is inherited from parents. DNA present in the cell nucleus in the structure of chromosomes and the mitochondria.
Function as a blueprint that serves as a conduit of code to each man as for hair color, eye shape, face shape, skin color, and others. The introduction of the structure of DNA was introduced by Francis Crick, a British scientist James Watson and from the United States in 1953.
For simplicity we understand what kind of DNA, you try to think of a sentence. Sentence is composed of several words. And each word is formed from some alphabet. It could be argued, is the basic element of the alphabet in many languages. A similar principle can be applied to the DNA. At the molecular level, "alphabet" is provided by major DNA. The amazing thing is that the "alphabet" consists of only four letters, A, C, G, and T, which is a symbol of the chemical bases adenine, cytosine (cytosine), guanine, and thymine. These compounds form an exclusive bond, in which adenine is always paired with thymine and guanine always pairs with cytosine will.
Form of DNA is like a double spiral which together with the meeting. DNA consists of four base pairs A, C, G, and T is a nitrogen-containing chemical components. The sequence of bases in DNA molecules was the one who determines the genetic information contained in it. In short, this sequence determines almost everything about you, from hair color, skin color, to the shape of your nose.
Every human being has 23 pairs of chromosomes consisting of 22 pairs of somatic chromosomes and 1 pair of chromosomes determine gender. Someone with XX chromosomes determine the sex of female and XY for someone who is male sex. Chromosome is obtained from the parents, half from the mother and half from the father.

DNA tests

On mitochondrial DNA known as mitochondrial DNA obtained from maternal whole. Mitochondrial DNA tests with take one can identify whether a person has a family relationship with the family of the mother or the maternal family relationships. You do this by comparing the mitochondrial DNA that has a biological mother, grandmother or sister of the mother.

Because the mother is fully lowered mitochondrial DNA to their children, what about the father? A father will inherit a Y chromosome to his son (because the Y chromosome had only male XY sex chromosomes). While girls do not have a Y chromosome (XX female sex chromosome).

To prove the family's relationship with his father's side can be done by comparing the Y chromosomes of a child with his biological father or the paternal siblings. Because the Y chromosome examination only for boys, then how to do DNA tests on a girl?

DNA tests done by taking the DNA of somatic chromosomes. Ties in the somatic DNA is almost the same for everyone because it serves to form and function of organs. Sequence errors can lead to disorders in humans are concerned. But at the core of these cells also contained an area known as the area of ​​STR (short tandem repeats). This area does not give the code to do something.

STR is what is unique because it is different for each person. The difference lies in the resulting sequence of base pairs and loop sequences STR. AGACC sequence will be different with someone who has a string AGACT. So is the repetition of a sequence is unique. STR pattern is inherited from parents.

How do DNA test?

In this example a DNA test to prove whether a child really is the biological child of a husband and wife. How to check DNA tests done by taking the STR ​​of the child. Furthermore, the laboratory will analyze the order thread STR is whether the order is the same as someone who made a pattern of a child. The order is not the only one because it is followed by a look at the number of chromosomes.

For example, a child's examination found that the chromosome number 3 has a sequence with a repetition AGACT 2 times. When the father or mother who claims his biological parents also have a repetition of the same on the same chromosome number, it may be concluded between two people that have family ties.

A person can be said to have a blood relationship if you have 16 STR is the same as biological families. When the order and repetition of the same, then the person who checked has a sibling bond or a close blood relations. This amount is quite small compared to the overall bond spiral in our bodies, amounting to billions.

DNA testing is done by taking a little part of your body to compare with others. Parts that can be taken to be checked is the hair, saliva, urine, vaginal fluid, semen, blood and other body tissues. This sample will not change throughout one's lifetime. The use of alcohol, tobacco or drugs will not change the composition of DNA. The results of DNA tests will be run from a new patient can be seen 2-4 weeks.

Benefits of DNA Testing

DNA testing has now become a trend to prove the link of one's blood relations. Given the many infidelities and casual sex, has resulted in many children who questioned the origin of their parents. Therefore, many couples do DNA tests to prove the origin of children born to them.

Even in some countries, many DNA testing clinics. Many also are using DNA tests for suspicious spouses. Some people give up personal items belonging partner to the clinic to be tested whether their partners connect with others who are not spouses.

In the police, DNA testing is also used for forensic tests. DNA testing is the most accurate evidence to test a person's identification than fingerprints. With DNA testing, police can provide authentic evidence of bodies that have been destroyed, provided that tissue samples can be taken on these corpses.

In addition to detecting family relations, DNA testing also serves to detect a particular disease until the disease is complex. With DNA testing could be a disease known to cause inherited diseases that are much less.

Advances in technology have made more new things to learn. DNA testing is currently the most accurate identification and reliable. Information about DNA testing in the hope to help you become more familiar with the process.